Water seeks its own level

Water seeks its own level. This is the very basic scientific principle that will guide us, especially the government, in solving the perennial flooding in most of the parts of our country today.

In order to prevent further tragedies and calamities, huge damages in infrastructure and agricultural products, the government should do the following:

1. Government must institute massive tree planting all over the country.

2. Government should regulate and control some mountain development especially subdivisions.

3. Stop foreshore reclamation.

4. Modernize garbage disposal.

5. Clear all creeks, canals, drainages and rivers so that during heavy rain, excess rain water in soil percolation goes to creeks, canals, drainages, then to rivers that flows downward the river eventually towards the sea.

It is our responsibility to make this world a better place for our next generation to live in for them to live conveniently and to experience the beauty of nature.

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