Talk is cheap

It is good to hear that US lawmakers have issued a statement criticizing China's military build-up in the Asian region, and its use of force in sea disputes, even going further in saying that is has sown fear in the region. Indeed, it is very hard to ignore what China has done in the past year and a half alone. It seems the Asian giant is more aggressive in pursuing its claim to all the islands and waters, using its military might to intimidate everyone else. The cutting of seismic survey cables of a Vietnamese oil exploration ship in May 2011, the well known barricading of the entrance to Scarborough Reef in April 2012 that probably started our posturing with them, China's issuing an official map that defines its contested "9-dash line'' as China's national border, practically covering the whole West Philippine Sea, and since May, 2013, Chinese naval and marine surveillance ships maintain a regular presence in waters around the Second Thomas Shoal, located so close to the northwest of Palawan. That's a bit too close for comfort, especially if they have warships with them, though unconfirmed.

China's has stirred countries like Japan, Taiwan, Russia, Vietnam and ours in terms of claiming sovereignty over islands and seas, including fishing rights. And all this because they have the military might to become Asia's newest bully. It is not surprising that China has always refrained from bringing the problem to an international body like the UN, even if they are signatories to a convention of the sea. They know that internationally, they have a weak hand in this game. They would rather talk to countries individually. But that would be like talking to the head of a gang, armed to the teeth with bodyguards all around, while all alone. He may smile at you, but he could easily eradicate you anytime he wanted. I would not want to be placed in that type of a situation.

But talk is cheap, without action to back it up. America should make China realize that it means business in ensuring the stability of the region. If the lawmakers are already criticizing China's methods, they have to make a presence felt here. China's deploys ships, whether commercial, surveillance or even warships with impunity. Honestly, who is going to take them head on? We can stand our ground, even gallantly. But in the end, it is all a numbers game, and they have quite a bit.

We recently celebrated our 115th anniversary of our independence. But we are now faced with challenges directed at our sovereignty, our rights and perhaps, even our freedom. We will make stand, but we are not above asking for help. We have allies in this world that have promised to help keep the region stable and free. I believe the time to show that support is now. Talk is indeed cheap, as we have seen in our previous dealings with China. Saying one thing but doing another. Talking peaceful settlement but sending ships out just the same.

Enough said.

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