Indeed, the Church is in crisis!

Recently, Father Roy Cimagala was questioning the readers of The Freeman about the crisis in the Church giving explanations and reasons for such situation.

Strangely, few days ago, the processing of an event justified and confirmed the concerns of Father R. Cimagala. Indeed, a Christian community, led by their pastor, went to the process of changing the administration and management of their community chapel. To that effect, an election was organized and members of the community were invited to propose and nominate persons in preparation of voting to elect the five necessary members of the new religious community officially known as 'Zone Pastoral Council'.

Twenty-two persons were proposed/nominated and each of them officially informed through a circular inviting them to reply in writing either acceptance or refusal. Out of the 22, only four sent their reply to the chairperson. Eighteen of them did not feel necessary to acknowledge with their own response making the incredible 82 percent of indifferent individuals to participate thus obviously expressing their lack of concern for the serious problems affecting their community chapel. Where is their sense of responsibility, of confidence in themselves? Where is their trust in their religion? Where is their faith? But do they know what faith is?

As a result of such indifference to an important matter related to the protection of the respect of the Church, the election with votes could not take place. Thanks to the good leadership of the parish priest, the five required members composing the WESTY were appointed and approved by the attendance.

Certainly, those who stay mute have not heard the same voice that Francis of Assisi heard when praying in front of a crucifix in the chapel of Saint Damien in 1215. The voice (of Jesus) said: “Go, Francis and rebuild my house, which as you can see is falling into ruins.”

The unfolding of this meeting of a Christian community clearly demonstrated how true Father Roy Cimagala was in his column about the crisis in the Church.

No doubt, the Church (our Church) is in real crisis.


Jean Michaut

Cebu City

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