Fear and faith

Looking forward to a wonderful sunny day of fun, an 8-year-old boy joined his sister and mother to attend this year's Boston Marathon. Sadly, along with two others, that boy fell victim to another terrorist act, his sister and mother among the hundreds injured.

9/11 again made its ugly reappearance not only in America but elsewhere in the world. Images of fear, flight among the marathon runners and spectators. Smoke from two bombs, all around, the injured, the dead. Rescuers rushed to assist, to save lives, to spare pain, agony, and grief.

Who planted the bombs? Why would some wish many dead and injured? Can any cause be greater than the preservation of precious life?

Many questions about the tragic deadly bombing will remain.

From here on, until the truth is fully revealed, America, Boston, and many others elsewhere will never be the same again. Fear will once again dominate the minds and terrify the souls of many.

Terrorists, on the other hand, will thrive on the misfortune of their intended victims. The more fear they see, the more chaos and despair they see, the more they applaud and hug each other for a bombing mission successfully accomplished.

They miss out, however, on seeing the whole picture of their heinous deed. They fail to account for the emergence of real heroes and heroines as a result of their terrorism. These are the rescuers who selflessly rushed to the victims immediately. These are the medical staff who volunteered to stay on beyond their hours of work to help save as many as possible. There is the doctor who rushed after joining the marathon, despite himself being dehydrated, to serve, to do his share. He and countless other volunteers shame and belittle the cowardly and hateful acts of terrorists.

Care vs. hate, heroism vs. terrorism. When the smoke from the terrorist' bombs lifted, the heroic loving acts of heroes and heroines shone brightly to signal to the world not to bow to fear and hate.

Faith vs. fear. Fortitude vs. cowardice. Selfless heroism vs. hateful terrorism. An ordinary day turns extraordinary because of bombs and bombers. An ordinary day turns extraordinary because of spontaneous, loving acts of sacrifice and service for others, for all.

Aside from the Boston bombing, Iran and Pakistan experienced a deadly earthquake that claimed the lives of about 34 people. Again, amidst the grief and pain, the world can definitely await heroic tales of selfless caring volunteers soon. South Korea and the rest of the world also remain vigilant as North Korea continues the threat to fire missiles and hit targets. For those who fear, there are those who remain in faith and fortitude.

So much reason to submit to fear. So much reason to be anxious about how each day will turn out. Will there be peace and protection for all or will the world witness another day or more days of threats, disasters, terror?

Faith allows us to go beyond fear, beyond threats, disasters, and terror. The believers rest in the assurance that all are best protected in the hands of the Lord who loves all best.

Terror and fear will continue to haunt all each day, each moment. Faith and peace are always available to all who will never give in to terror and fear and their propagators.

Let us move in together in prayers, in faith, in love. May peace reign in everyone's heart too amidst so much anxiety in this world.


Email: cherry_thefreeman@yahoo.com

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