Contingency in place

The Department of Foreign Affairs said that it already made contingency plans for our overseas workers in South Korea, should things escalate into a full-blown conflict. In the past days, North Korea has cut its last military hotline with the South, declared a “state of war,” and claims to have positioned and aimed its missiles at South Korean and American targets, including bases in Guam and the US mainland! This claim was dismissed by most analysts, saying that while the North may have middle to long range missiles, aiming them is another thing.

The government definitely does not want a repeat of the hardships endured by our OFWs similar to what happened in Libya, Lebanon and Syria when things started to go bad. Nothing is more frightening than being in a foreign country that has plunged into war or internal conflict, and not knowing where to go or whom to call! The contingency plan already mentions several cities in the south where the OFWs can proceed, where they will be safely evacuated. Communications may be out once hostilities commence, so knowing where to go is indeed crucial!

These are all being done despite the relative calm and normalcy that still prevails over South Korea, as if saying that they have heard all of that from the North before. Indeed, some even say you can set your calendar by the time the usual rhetoric comes from the North, especially with a new president and with fresh sanctions imposed by the UN. Life goes on, as one puts it. But the South is not taking any chances either. Its military readiness has been raised, with more troops and equipment sent to the 38th parallel. America is also taking Kim Jong-un's threats a bit seriously, sending its stealth aircraft and deploying some of its warships off the Korean peninsula. Each one capable of defending against whatever missile attacks the North may launch.

It is good to know that this time, our heroes overseas can have some peace of mind knowing that the government does have contingency plans in the event of another Korean War. I can only hope that in the severe chaos created by war, our countrymen can exodus in safety. The whole world is closely watching the Korean peninsula. The North should really think of what it is doing, if it can at all. And that's where the real threat comes from. While the North may be predictable in its rhetoric and saber-rattling, Kim Jong-un may not. His age may actually be the most dangerous factor of all!

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