Compostela lines up 2015 projects

CEBU, Philippines – Compostela Mayor Joel Quino yesterday announced that three big projects will be implemented by the municipal government next year.

The projects, according to Mayor Quino, are listed as top priority by the municipal government and that funds for the project were already included in next year's annual budget.

The construction of the new slaughterhouse, construction of the new public market and improvement of barangay roads are listed as priority projects under his administration.

Mayor Quino informed businessmen in Compostela town that the construction of new slaughterhouse is important this time.

The mayor said under the current setup, businessmen in Compostela go to Danao City and Liloan town to avail of the services of a public slaughterhouse.

He said other businessmen avail of the services of some private slaughterhouses.

With the said situation, Mayor Quino said they cannot exactly monitor the meat products sold in the market.

The construction of the new public market is also important to give way for the construction of the new port at the place.

Mayor Quino said the realization of the construction of the town's port will play a vital role in the economic development of Compostela.

On the other hand, the improvement of barangay roads will also help farmers in transporting their products to the market.

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