Carcar mayor attends to needs of poor constituents

CEBU, Philippines - Carcar City Mayor Nicepuro Apura has forged an agreement with the Department of Agrarian Reform in Region 7 in relation to the implementation of the Bottom up Budgeting through the National Anti-Poverty Commission.

According to Apura, this is in line with the Local Poverty Reduction Action Team (LPRAT) formulated the Local Poverty Reduction Program wherein they implement various livelihood projects like micro-financing initiatives.

LPRAT was created functionally as a work force for the formulation and monitoring of the Local Poverty Reduction Action Plan (LPRAP) which contains programs and projects collectively drawn through a participatory process by the LGU with CSOs and other stakeholders, and which will directly address the needs of the poor constituencies and the marginalized sectors in the municipality.

Apura said the beneficiaries the Carcar Communities Multi-purpose Coop, P500,000 for Swine fattening; Liburon Multi-purpose Coop, P150,000 for Cattle Fattening; Valladolid Farmers Association, P300,000 for Cattle Fattening; Conta Manghupi Farmers Association, P250,000 for Swine Fattening; Sitio Mohon, Talamban, Chicosan, P250,000 for Cattle Farming; Carcar Tuyom Farmers Association, P250,000 for Vegetable and Rice production; Bolinawan United Seaweeds and Farmers Association, P193,230 for Fishing materials and Guadalupe Kapunungan Alang sa Kauswagan, P106,770 for Swine Fattening. 

Present during the MOA signing were Isagani Yee (provincial agrarian reform officer II), Alex Reloba (provincial agrarian reform officer I), and representatives from the 8 organizations.  (FREEMAN)

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