JVR won’t block construction of building for ABC

CEBU, Philippines - Talisay City Mayor Johnny De los Reyes is amenable to the idea of putting up a building for the Association of Barangay Councils.“Why not? Mas nindot hinuon naa sila’y kaugalingong building aron matawag nila nga ilaha gyud,” De los Reyes said. 

ABC president Raul Cabañero, who sits as an -ex-officio at the city council, is pushing for the construction of a building for the ABC.

Talisay City is composed of 22 barangays.

Cabañero said he sees the important need for the barangays to have its own building and therefore its own identity.

Cabañero said that before proposing any measure in relation to the construction of the building, he would consult barangay captains first.

Every time it meets, ABC members gather at the mayor’s office or at the session hall.

De los Reyes said he will give Cabañero a free hand to choose the lot for the building. â€“(FREEMAN)

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