Taxi driver thwarts passenger’s rob try

CEBU, Philippines - A taxi driver apprehended yesterday dawn in front of the Maguikay Elementary School in Mandaue City a passenger who tried to rob him by grabbing his gun and shouting for help.

Arturo Banzon, 18, of Lower Natimaw-an in Carmen town was collared by other taxi drivers who responded to calls for help from driver Jonas Nunez, 47.

Nunez said he stopped for Banzon near the Banilad Crossroads in Cebu City.

However, Nunez said he already had a hunch the man would rob him because he refused to sit at the back despite being told to do so since he was wet.

Banzon drew a .45 cal. pistol and declared a holdup but Nunez grabbed the gun.

With his gun in the driver’s possession, Banzon bit Nunez in the face.

Despite this, Nunez got out of his vehicle and shouted for help.

The police came and arrested Banzon.

When frisked, Banzon yielded some alleged shabu.

Casuntingan police chief P Sr./Insp. Ramil Morpos said Banzon had said he did it to have money for transportation fare since he wanted to go home to his hometown.

He also alleged he had robbed someone at a mall in barangay Lahug, Cebu City months ago.

Cases of robbery with physical injuries, illegal possession of firearms, and possession of illegal drugs were filed against Banzon in the City Prosecutor’s Office. (FREEMAN)

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