Comelec is serious about rule on campaign posters

CEBU, Philippines - The Commission on Elections reminded candidates for the May 13 polls to follow the policies of the agency on the posting of campaign materials. 

Talisay City Comelec officer Corazon Moran reminded all local candidates of a provision on COMELEC Resolution No. 9615 which laid down the implementing rules and regulations of Republic Act 9006, otherwise known as the “Fair Election Act”, in connection with the May 13, 2013 national and local elections. 

Moran said she already sent notices to all candidates who were found violating the provision of the Comelec. 

She said that as provided under said Comelec resolution, common poster areas shall be allowed by the election officer only in selected public places such as plazas, markets, barangay centers and the like where posters may be readily seen or read, with the heaviest pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic in the city or municipality. 

Posting in private vehicles he said is allowed provided campaign posters must measure 2 feet by 3 ft while the leaflets should be 81/2 x 14 as provided in the COMELEC resolution. 

Also, it is prohibited to post in public utility vehicles (PUVs) such as buses, jeepneys, tricycles, and cabs.  (FREEMAN)

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