To prevent flooding: Subdivision in Talisay eyes drainage system

CEBU, Philippines - Primary Homes, which is constructing a subdivision called the South Glendale Subdivision in barangay San Isidro, will build a drainage system that would connect it to the nearest drainage outfall to prevent flooding.

City Councilor Rodi Cabigas, chairman of the committee on infrastructure, said Primary Homes has offered to assist in the construction of a drainage system that would connect the drainage system of their proposed subdivision to the existing drainage at the Cebu South Coastal Road and eventually to a drainage outfall.

In a proposed resolution, Cabigas wants Mayor Socrates Fernandez to sign memorandum of agreement with Primary Homes, Inc. for the construction of a drainage system that will serve the needs of the subdivision and the other areas.

“The proposed drainage system will not only benefit the proposed subdivision project of Primary Homes, Inc. but also the other areas within the vicinity of barangay San Isidro, Talisay City,” Cabigas said.

Under the agreement, the city and the barangay will give immediate priority in evaluating and approving the off-site drainage plan, design and specifications prepared by the real estate developer.

The government will also provide traffic enforcers that will maintain and ensure that traffic conditions/flow of the road access in the areas affected by the Drainage Project during construction period.

Also, Primary Homes will construct and develop a drainage facility from the proposed subdivision.

It will also provide manpower, materials and equipment needed for the completion of the drainage project. (FREEMAN)

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