Rise of NAPOLCOM reg’l office building in Talisay seen

CEBU, Philippines - The Regional Office of the National Police Commission is expected to rise at a 500-square meter lot in the city.

Talisay City Vice Mayor Alan Bucao, in a proposed resolution No. 2013-01-10, seeks to authorize Mayor Socrates Fernandez to enter into a memorandum of agreement with the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) to allow the use (by way of usufruct) by NAPOLCOM of a portion of a lot owned by the city where the city hall is situated to be used a site for the building.

Bucao said NAPOLCOM has requested for the use a portion of a parcel of land owned by the city.

“In recognition of NAPOLCOM’s constitutional and statutory mandate, the City of Talisay has agreed to the request of NAPOLCOM subject to certain terms and conditions,” Bucao said.

Under the proposed MOA, the city government allows the use of the land to the NAPOLCOM for as long as the latter’s regional office and its related facilities exist.

The subject of this memorandum of agreement is a portion of portion of lot No. 3103-A covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. T-114708 issued by the Register of Deeds of the Province of Cebu, but still registered under the name of the previous owner, Gabriel C. Yap and described as follows:

The development and construction of the facilities in the parcel of land shall require prior approval from concerned government offices and shall comply with the Land Use Plan and/or the Master Development Plan (if any) of the city government which are deemed incorporated in this MOA. (FREEMAN)

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