Two men shoot, rob coffee shop owner

CEBU, Philippines -  Two men on a motorcycle fled with P400,000 after shooting and robbing a coffee shop owner who was driving his car Thursday evening in barangay Tejero, Cebu City.

Edgar Hortelano Jr., 37, coffee shop owner and a resident of Garden Bloom Acres, Consolacion town, Cebu was robbed at around 7:00 in the evening along Gaisano Street.

Police said Hortelano was onboard his Isuzu Crosswind vehicle when an unidentified man tapped the left side of his car.

Hortelano got off to check whether his car was hit by another car.  Just then, a man wearing a helmet, demanded money, and then shot him, hitting his abdomen.

The two men fled with P400,000.  (FREEMAN)


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