“Drug pusher” shot dead

CEBU, Philippines -  A 35-year-old alleged drug pusher was shot dead along the National Highway of Poblacion, Compostela town yesterday evening.  

Joseph Pilapil Pumar, 35, married, and a resident of sitio Seaside Poblacion, Compostela was shot by one of two men on a motorcycle, sustaining gunshot wounds on the head, stomach, and left shoulder.

PO3 Ronald Luna said Pumar was standing along the National Road when two men on a black motorcycle called him. 

As he approached the men, one of them got off and shot him thrice.  His attackers fled toward Danao City.

Pumar was taken to Eversly Hospital in barangay Jagobiao, Mandaue City but did not reach the hospital alive.

Found at the crime scene were three empty shells of caliber .45.   Investigators said one possible motive for the killing could be the nature of his job, being a drug pusher.

But the police are still looking at other angles for the commission of the crime.  (FREEMAN)


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