Three men survive ambush in Naga

CEBU, Philippines -  Three persons were injured after they were repeatedly shot by two men on a motorcycle early morning yesterday in barangay Colon, Naga City.

Russel Luad Aventajado, 30, of barangay Calajoan, Minglanilla and Carlito Oracay, 31, of barangay Poblacion Ward II, Minglanilla, were described to be in critical condition due to multiple gunshot wounds.

Aventajado suffered gunshot wounds to the head, back of the body, and chest while Oracay had gunshot wounds to his head, left forearm, and left leg.

Another victim, Herlan Enclonar, 26, of barangay Poblacion Ward I, Minglanilla, suffered gunshot wounds to his right triceps and right leg.

The victims were taken to the South General Hospital for medication and were later referred to the Don Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City for further treatment.

PO2 Dionisio Trumata, of the Naga City Police Station, said the victims were on board a multicab pick up (KFB-219) that was on its way to Minglanilla from Naga City when they were tailed by a motorcycle.

Gunmen who were on board the Honda XRM motorcycle suddenly swerved toward the multicab.

The man behind the motorcycle driver then began shooting at the passengers.

The injured Aventajado, driver of the multicab, slowed down which prompted the gunman to alight from the motorcycle and to fire again at the passengers.

 Four empty shells and one bullet for a caliber .45 pistol were found in the scene.

Trumata suspected that a personal grudge could have been the motive for the shooting.  (FREEMAN)


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