2019 make or break…

Now that 2019 has finally arrived, have you started to do what you plan to do? New Year’s resolution is a tradition that is bound to fail but I suggest everyone should go ahead and make one and hope for the best.


Here is the top 3 New Year’s resolutions and some tips on how to achieve them.

DIET OR EAT HEALTHIER: Follow a simple rule of quality, frequency and quantity. Quality refers to the food you put in your mouth. Choose wisely on the quality of your food particularly in terms of how it is cooked. A deep fried chicken has more calories compared to barbequed, roasted, baked or steamed chicken. In choosing desserts, try to get the natural fruits rather than cakes and pastries. Cakes and pastries may look smaller in size but are packed with calories from sugar. Frequency means avoid skipping meals. Instead consume small frequent meals with at least 2 to 3 hours interval. By doing this, you will feel full all day and you get to burn the food you consumed. Quantity refers to the volume of food you put inside your mouth. Eat in moderation. Do not binge and eat slowly.

EXERCISE MORE: Train smart. Know your pain and know your gain. Avoid doing too much, too soon. Most people just wear their running shoes and start to jog long distance. Try to pace yourself and listen to your body. Try doing short distance jog like 2 or 3km. For starters, a short 10 to 20 minute exercise will do. One can do a two-minute brisk walking, one-minute jog and 30-second run and repeat it until 10 or 20 minute ends. Use your body and do some simple body weight exercises like jumping jack, squat or push-up. Perform each exercise at least 20 to 30 times. Add if i'ts not enough.

LOSE WEIGHT:To lose weight, one must keep in mind the 70% nutrition and 30% exercise ratio. Have a realistic and long term goal. Try to challenge yourself and sign up for something challenging for 2019. Have a bet between your officemates or co-workers. Have at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Sleeping speeds up recovery of your muscles and recharges your body for the next day.

Fifty percent of one's New Year’s resolution fail before the end of January. Just do it! Focus on actually doing it rather than posting it on social media. Avoid too much online games you play. Set a limit on your Netflix, Instagram or FB account. Lead by example and follow the rules even though others don’t. Stand in line, give way, cross the street using the pedestrian lane. Look people in the eye and smile at them be it a guard on duty, a janitor or a household help, and say good morning. Make new friends. Step out of your usual circle and make new actual connection.  Offer to help other people. The more you move, the more your blood flows and the more you burn calories. But also learn how to say NO. Know your limits. You can always politely say no. Ignore people who talk behind you because they are behind you for a reason. Be on time and avoid being late, it is disrespectful to others. Listen to your mother or parents because as they say, mother knows Best.  If you think you are starting to slide or fail on your New Year’s resolution, try to look back and ask yourself why you set them in the first place.

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