San Remigio 8080 triathlon unfurls today

CEBU, Philippines - Hundreds of daring triathletes are all set to plunge into action this year's San Remigio 8080 today. The race organized by the Cornerstone Group is expected to start at 12:30 p.m.

The San Remigio event is longer than the Olympic distance, but shorter than the Ironman 70.3. The full distance covers a 1.8-kilometer swim, 65K bike and 14K run.

Alaska Tri Aspire's Paul Jumamil is the top triathlete to beat after reigning supreme in the Safeguard for Men 5i50 Triathlon in Bellevue Resort in Panglao, Bohol last week.

The other contenders are Cebu's Kristianne Lim and Jory Ycong.

It's going to be anybody's race in the women's category.

Aside from the elite, also to be contested are the different age-groups and the relay.— Caecent No-ot Magsumbol (FREEMAN)


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