Waiting for Yolly

There was an invitation sent to sportswriters by Atty. Baldomero Estenzo thru SAC top guns John Pages and Rico Navarro for a lunch meeting last Wednesday with the giant from Pinamungahan, June Mar Fajardo, formerly University of Cebu’s tower of power and now Petron Blaze Boosters’ center of strength.  It was a great chance to greet and measure up, literally and figuratively, with a legitimate PBA star.

I missed on the oppurtunity for a chat, some photo ops and yes, some autographs from the man sportscasters call “The Kraken”.  A series of meetings at the office prevented me from the event because of a woman full of scorn bent on wreaking havoc upon arrival on our shores.  Maybe next time, Mr. Fajardo.


As I aged, waking up before the sun peeks at the horizon is the norm.  Yesterday, I woke up to a gloomy, quite and serene surrounding, not a breeze disturbing the coconut palms.  With the sea a spitting distance from our house, I took a long look towards the horizon. 

Thick and dark clouds hid the early morning sun.  The seas are gentle, waves gently lapping the shores.  A few small boats were on the water, doing their daily fishing.  A very favorable time to make a few catches.  The calm before the storm, a super storm.

A really mean tempest will shatter the serenity as she makes landfall later this afternoon.  Preparations had been made to welcome Yolanda and its just up to her how to acknowledge what we had prepared.  Remember, there are only two things in this world that we should never mess with – mother in-laws and mother nature.  In this case, it is mother nature.  And maybe, just maybe, you can mess with the former this time, with a very valid reason of the latter messing up everything.  Let us all be very reasonable at this moment.  Please do not tempt fate.  Stay on the safe side.  God bless us all.

Ah, Yolanda, how could you?  The Yolanda that I knew during my teens sings really well, was pretty (still is) and gentle and is now settled and happily married somewhere in Argentina. 


A mad rush to supermarkets was reported in preparation for Yolly.  Gone in seconds were candles, flashlights, batteries and other essentials.  Even the lamparilla and parol de combate had their shining moments.  All kinds of boxing out and jockeying for position were seen at the aisles and at the checkout counters.  Better prepared than sorry. 




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