ALA Gym recruits amateur and pro boxers

CEBU, Philippines - ALA Gym strategists Edito and Edmund Villamor, who oversee the training of world champions Donnie “Ahas” Nietes and Merlito“Tiger” Sabillo together with Rey “Boom Boom” Bautista, Milan “El Metodico” Melindo, AJ “Bazooka” Banal, Genesis “Azukal” Servania and Jason “El Nino” Pagara among others, are set to launch a recruitment program to sign up young amateur and professional fighters all over the country.

Aside from molding hundreds of young boys into national champions, ALA has also given opportunities to all aspiring boxers, giving them hope to reach their dreams not just in the ring but outside of it.

Panabo and Davao, which are the two boxing hotbeds in Mindanao, will be the first to benefit in the recruitment program of ALA Gym. The objective of the recruitment will be the young and talented amateur boxers who have participated in ABAP-sponsored tournaments and must at least be 17 years of age.

As for the professional fighters who wish to join the world-renowned ALA Stable, one must be unattached and with no existing managerial contract registered in the Games and Amusement Board.

Whoever makes the grade will undergo training in Cebu with all travel expenses paid and will be given the opportunity to fight in the very popular Pinoy Pride series.

Edito Villamor, who will be staying at the Royal Mandaya Hotel,will entertain those interested aspirants in the lobby of Royal Mandaya in Palma Gil St., Davao City between 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm starting yesterday until April 19. One may contact Edito at 0915-6902450.

ALA Promotions, together with ABS CBN Sports, will bring to Davao City the "Pinoy Pride XIX:Mexican Invasion" on April 20 at the USEP Gymnasium. (FREEMAN)

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