Class 2003 trounces ‘84/87/90 in CECABA

CEBU, Philippines - Dimsum Frito 2003 shrugged off a sluggish start then whipped up a scorching offensive in the final half to rout Argentina Corned Beef '84/87/90, 80-58, in the Cebu Eastern College Alumni Basketball Association's 12th Dr. Chen Lieh Fu Memorial Cup last Saturday at the CEC gym.

Class 2003 trailed by five points at the end of the first period, 8-13, but went stoppable after pulling within a hairline at halftime, 30-31.

The Dimsum Frito-backed squad unleashed a 22-14 rally in the third before closing the match with a 28-13 bang to ice the 22-point romp.

Joey Catipay had 18 points and five rebounds, and Winston Tan added 15 points, five assists and four rebounds as Class 2003 bettered its win-loss record to 7-2.

Sammy Sia scattered 21 points, and five rebounds, while Paul Michael Cabellon added 20 points and five rebounds, but their efforts were to no avail as Class '84/87/90 crashed to 2-7.

In the other game, Las Vegas KTV-M16 Disco '94 whacked Fil-Ann 2009, 66-53, for its sixth win in 11 games.          Stanley Gaw pumped in 33 points and eight rebounds for Class '94, while Alfie Dwight Miranda Sy fired 21 points, four rebounds and three steals for Class '2009, which suffered its eighth loss against only one win.

The scores

First game

Class 2003 (80) - Catipay 18, W. Tan 15, Yankee 7, Veneracion 7, Ang 6, Y. Tan 5, C. Ciao 4, Cuizon 4, H. Tan 4, Kague 4, Siao 2, Uy 2, Ceniza 2

Class '84/87/90 (58) - Sia 21, Cabellon 20, H. Chua 11, Go 2, Apawan 2, Lim 2

Second game

Class '94 (66) - Gaw 31, Beldeniza 7, Peña 6, Yu 6, Jao 5, Chua 5, Kwan 3, Lim 2

Class 2009 (53) - Miranda Sy 21, Baluyos 11, Sy 9, H.J. Tan 6, Tsai 6 (FREEMAN)

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