
Cebu News

Garcia to personally deliver assistance to Negros Island

Iris Hazel Mascardo - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City Acting Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia is set to personally relay the city’s financial assistance to Canlaon City and the town of La Castellana this weekend.

This was the announcement of Garcia yesterday, June 20, 2024, following the approval of the City Council of the P3 million financial aid to the areas affected by the eruption of Mt. Kanlaon.

On the same day yesterday morning, Garcia told reporters that he would be meeting with the accounting office, the treasurer’s office, and the budget office in order to finalize the cheque that will be personally handed to the said local government units (LGU) this weekend.

“Kung ma ready ang tanang cheque. Kung dili gani (ma-ready), the following weekend,” Garcia said.

He added that he has already been in contact with the officials in charge of these LGUs, who have already extended their gratitude to the city right after the approval.

Just this week, the Cebu City Council reduced the financial assistance to P3 million from P7 million, as well as the number of LGUs to recieve the aid.

This stemmed from the amended resolution sponsored by  Councilor Joel Garganera, chairman of the Committee on Disaster of the Cebu City Council, reducing the aid to only LGUs that have declared a state of calamity due to the eruption of Mt. Kanlaon.

Last month, Garcia signed the proposal to extend the total of P7 million in financial aid to the local government units (LGU) of Bago, La Carlota, La Castellana, Moises Padilla, and Pontevedra, with P1 million each, while the City of Canlaon will get P2 million.

However, the Cebu City Council has deferred the approval after questioning the source of funds and the lack of damage report where the appropriations were based.

With the amended resolution, Canlaon City and La Castellana will be receiving P2 million and P1 million, respectively. – cATO (CEBU NEWS)

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