More cops ordered to beat patrols

He said even those in the Personnel Holding and Accounting Unit should be fielded to fight crime.
STAR / Ernie Penaredondo

CEBU, Philippines — In order to stop the activities of criminals riding in tandem, PNP chief Police General Rommel Marbil wants all police offices to deploy more policemen in the streets.

He said even those in the Personnel Holding and Accounting Unit should be fielded to fight crime.

However, in Cebu City, even though the order has not yet been issued, the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO) has already deployed policemen in the streets.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Janette Rafter, deputy city director for administration of CCPO, said they will field further policemen.

Those policemen who are in the office assigned as administrative officers will be required to render two hours of beat patrol duty before reporting for their regular work.

Due to the deployment of more policemen in the streets, crime in the city has reportedly decreased, especially crimes against property and others. — (FREEMAN)

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