Waste workers told to watch the heat

CEBU, Philippines — The environmental watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition advised waste workers across the country to take all protective measures against heat stress.
The group said thousands of women and men from the informal and formal waste sectors earn a living by helping manage the country's colossal waste generation, estimated at about 61,000 metric tons daily, under the sun’s heat.
The very nature of their work exposes waste workers to sweltering heat and to associated illnesses such as dehydration, hyperthermia, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.
Waste workers are advised to know their body's limits to work safely in very hot weather and adjust work hours to reduce risk, always bring water in reusable containers and drink plenty of water, know first-aid against heat stress, and find shade, drink water, cool off, and rest when feeling dehydrated and weak. Workers are also advised to avoid alcoholic, caffeinated, and sugary drinks, which can hasten dehydration.
Lastly, the coalition encouraged the public, the households and businesses to be compassionate and offer drinking water to waste workers serving their communities. — (FREEMAN)
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