Man arrested for spreading sex videos

CEBU, Philippines —  For allegedly spreading sex videos, a 33-year-old man was arrested in an entrapment operation by members of the City Intelligence Unit and the Women’s and Protection Desk (WCPD) of the Cebu City Police Office in a lodging house on Leon Kilat Street, Barangay Kalubihan, Cebu City, Thursday afternoon.

The suspect was identified as JR Nacilla Villagracia, a native of Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental who is currently living in Barangay Pari-an this city.

According to CCPO Director Police Colonel Ireneo Dalogdog, the suspect is the ex-boyfriend of the 38-year–old victim from Consolacion town.

Dalogdog said that the suspect and the victim had known each other for the past four months through Facebook and started dating.

Report said every Saturday and Sunday, the two would meet at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral. Every time they meet, it is said that something would happen between them.

The woman, who also has a live- in partner, told authorities that the suspect would force her to have sex with him every time they meet.

The victim said that the suspect wanted to meet her again but the victim was already hesitant because his approach was different. The suspect reportedly threatened that if she did not show up, he would spread their sex video online, which he already did.

The sex videos were sent not only to the woman’s relatives but also to her friends, the reason the victim asked for police assistance.

“Gi-post niya kay dili ko mosugot nga makigkita niya mao to iya ko gibaharan nga og ‘dili ka makigkita nako ako ning i-post atong mga videos sa imong mga friends,’ sa akong bana. Nahitabo ni pagka-May dayon ako siya gipasaylo unya giusab niya atong Sunday kay dili naman ko makigkita niya mao nay ipanghulga kada mobalibad ko,”said the victim.

“Gi-assist dayon ni siya sa atoang WCPD unya gialalayan pud sa atoang City Intelligence Unit ang nag-lead si Police Lt. Mondragon from CIU diha-diha dayon nag-conduct sila og entrapment operation nga nag-resulta sa pagdakop sa maong suspetsado,”said Col. Dalogdog.

Upon his arrest, the suspect admitted that every time they meet, they would record their carnal pleasure, revealing that they recorded many videos but some of them were already deleted.

He said he did not force the victim.

“Ako daw sigeg pamugos, wala man ko nagsigeg pamugos may pa’g ipakita,”said Villagracia.

Following the incident, Dalogdog reminds the public to avoid this kind of behavior because those involved in taking the video will also be charged because of the Data Privacy Act.

The suspect facing is a case of grave coercion in relation to the Anti-Cyber Crime Law and physical abuse.

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