City Hall resumes feeding 50 poor kids per barangay

CEBU, Philippines —  The Cebu City Women and Family Affairs Commission (CCWFAC) is organizing a feeding program for the barangays to continue the tradition of feeding underprivileged children during the city’s Charter Day celebration.

According to Jojo Lingaolingao, executive director of CCWFAC, Mayor Michael Rama had been doing this feeding program during the Charter Day celebration for quite some time already.

All of the 80 barangays here will be served with each barangay having 50 children each to benefit from this.

“A total of 80 barangays ang atong i-cater with the help of the GAD (focal person) and VAWC officers. Tag-50 ka mga bata every barangay,” Lingaolingao said.

GAD focal persons and VAWC officers of every barangays selected the kids that will be part of the feeding program.

“Naay day care, naay elementary graders, depende sa edad sa unsay dad-on sa GAD focal. Kada cluster lima ka barangay,” Lingaolingao added.

So far, there are now 40 barangays served in just two days while the last feeding day is set on February 21 in a still undisclosed venue. — GMR (FREEMAN)

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