
Cebu News

DOT: More Chinese expected to visit Philippines

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary Christina Frasco anticipates more Chinese tourist arrival, following the ease of restrictions in their home country and after the Philippines was identified as one of the top 20 nations identified by China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism to be part of its pilot areas for outbound tourism group tours.

China recently lifted restrictions to outbound travels of its nationals, a move seen to positively impact economies, as China remains one of the world’s top sources of foreign tourists with high visitor spending.

The other countries China earlier identified as pilot areas include Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Sri Lanka, Maldives, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, Russia, Switzerland, Hungary, New Zealand, Argentina, Cuba, and Fiji.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the government of the People’s Republic of China for identifying the Philippines as one of the first 20 countries where group tours are allowed. The Philippines is open and ready to welcome our friends from China as we continue to improve the relationship between our two nations," Frasco said.

"The recent state visit of President (Ferdinand Marcos) to China, both presidents of China and the Philippines have agreed to make people to people exchanges as one of the four areas of cooperation. During the visits, our tourism cooperation was actually signed so I think that today's event is also one of the measures to implement the agreement reached by our two leaders," Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Huang Xilian said.

Just last week, close to two hundred Chinese tourists arrived in the country in time for the Chinese New Year celebration.

The Department of Tourism (DOT) personally welcomed the visitors arriving onboard Xiamen Airlines flight MF819, together with Xilian, Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) General Manager Cesar Chiong, and Xiamen Air General Manager of Manila Office Yan Tan.

"The arrival of Chinese tourists to the Philippines signals a very auspicious start to the New Year and indicates a positive result of President Bongbong Marcos Jr.’s state visit to China to further the relations between our countries," Frasco said.

"We believe that with the development of our tourism cooperation that there will be a growing number of Chinese tourists coming to the Philippines to enjoy the beauty of this country," Xilian was quoted as saying.

With this, Frasco anticipates more Chinese tourists soon.

"We anticipate even more Chinese tourists to arrive which will greatly help us in our efforts to transform and to recover the tourism industry as our intention is not only to regain our pre-pandemic numbers but to exceed it knowing how the relationship between the Philippines and China will only further improve in the years to come with the stance of both our governments," added Frasco.

As of January 24, China earned the 10th spot in terms of international tourist arrivals with 6,673 visitors, so far. (FREEMAN)

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