Bea Alonzo not dwelling on her bashers  

Award-winning actress and box-office queen Bea Alonzo is very happy with the good feedback from the viewers of “Start-Up PH.”

“The creative team is putting so much effort to come up with a good show. Even the production design team is putting in good work as well. I am happy with the output and I am happy the people are starting to appreciate it.”

Bea said she was hoping the show would get positive comments but she didn’t expect anything since it is her first series  with GMA Network. She was clueless with how audiences will accept her television comeback since her last soap was in 2017. She is certainly glad that “Start-Up PH” is well-received.

How is Bea similar to her character Dani? “We are both go-getters. We fight for our dreams and we are both family-oriented,” she said.

On her impression of Alden Richards before she got to work with him, the actress shared, “I knew he is kind becase I know a lot of people who know him personally. In fact, there was a time we both had the same styling team. I’ve heard so many good things about him before I met him. I know he is nice.”

Her impression of the Kapuso actor hasn’t changed to this day. “Not at all. Actually, I was able to confirm that he is a good person but I also discovered that he is very playful in real life. That is the side of Alden that we don’t get to see often. He is playful on set and fun to be with,” added Bea.

Asked how she views criticisms about her work, Bea knows it is part and parcel of show business.

“Criticisms are always there. I actually welcome criticisms but of course I feel if I need to be sheltered if there are people  bashing me just for the sake of bashing me. And I know if the criticisms come from people who love me, like my fans. I know they only want me to improve.”

How does she deal with bashers? “I’m not going to be a hypocrite – I do get hurt. I allow myself to get hurt because that is part of the process of being a person.”

“We cannot hide our hurt because that will cause us anxiety. I allow myself to be sad. But I don’t dwell on the sadness or the bitterness. As much as possible, I try to develop a thick skin in the industry to shield me from hurt. I try to be strong.”

She further said, “Of course, I get affected but I move on easily and I only take crticism that will help me improve.”

Small things that make her happy are bonding with her nephews and nieces, as well as spending time with her boyfriend Dominic Roque who makes her happy, even if they’re just eating pancit canton or watching television together.

“I am at my happiest when I am doing normal things and bonding with the people I love. I am happy going to the farm with my mom, then we wake up early to watch the sunrise while sipping hot coffee,” said Bea.

Any day can be a good day for her – in fact, October 3 was one of those days. She had a meeting in the morning, had a TVC recording, and then a dermatologist appointment. Before heading home, she called up her house and said she’d like to eat sinigang na buto-buto and adobo.

“When I got home, I ate the delicious adobo and the tangy sinigang. Then Dom came and we watched ‘Blonde’ on Netflix,” she shared.

Bea is looking forward to working with more people in the Kapuso Network, to hearing new ideas, stories and doing other genres. She also revealed that she will be doing a horror episode for “Magpakailanman” – her first horror for television.

On the movie front, she is set to do a film with Erik Matti, a reunion flick with John Lloyd Cruz for Star Cinema, and one with GMA Films.

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