Modern market worries vendors

Cebu City United Vendors Association (CCUVA) chairwoman Maria Pino said she hopes that vendors will not be displaced once the modernization of the public market will be implemented.

CEBU, Philippines — The proposed modernization of the Carbon Public Market in Cebu City is raising concerns from the vendors who are worried that the improvements will also mean an increase in the rent of the stalls and in the prices of the commodities they have to sell.

Cebu City United Vendors Association (CCUVA) chairwoman Maria Pino said she hopes that vendors will not be displaced once the modernization of the public market will be implemented.

“Ang pag-modernize sa merkado, dako nga kalambuan. Hinaot unta nga ang mga gagmayng manindahay ang molambo dili lang ang mga dagko nga negosyante. Usa sa mga concerns namo nga motaas ang renta namo ug mosaka ang mga presyo sa palitonon,” she said.

However, Cebu City Mayor Edgardo Labella said the city government will be the one to operate and run the modernized Carbon Market and not the proponent which is SM Prime Holdings Inc.

Labella assured that there will be no displacement of vendors, stressing that there will also be no increase in the rent of the stalls and the prices of the goods because it is not SM that will run the market but the city government.

“No one will be displaced. Vendors will be given preferential treatment. For additional stallholders, I will create a committee that would be very objective, partial and not imbued with political color,” he said.

The construction will be at no cost to the city government.

“I want to put a stipulation in the terms of reference that SM would not put up a store or any commercial outlets that would compete with the meat vendors, fish vendors, and fruit vendors that are existing in the Carbon Market,” the mayor said.

He added that the city government will still own the land where the building will be constructed.

The mayor already announced the plan of SM to construct three-story building in the Carbon Public Market that will incorporate all the structures of the existing Units 1, 2, and 3.

Labella said the first floor of the building will be allotted for all the vendors, the second floor will be for vehicle parking, and the third floor will be for the warehouse and the loading and unloading of goods.

“The cleanliness, the modern facilities will be put up and at the same time not disregarding the heritage dimension of Carbon as an institution and as a landmark of Cebu City,” he said, adding that this project will beautify and improve the current state of the public market.

Whatever business taxes and other regulatory fees will still be collected by the city government, he said.

For now, he is just waiting for the official perspective that will be submitted by SM. Upon the submission of the proposal, Labella said he will refer it to the city’s Joint Venture Committee for review and recommendation.

He said he will also submit the proposal to the City Council for approval. — BRP (FREEMAN)

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