BOC launches info system to improve service

CEBU, Philippines — Aiming to ease the process of doing business with the Bureau of Customs (BOC), the office launched its modernized information systems dubbed as “The Improved BOC: Seamless and Simplified.”

According to BOC, in a statement posted on its website, the program is part of the Bureau’s 10-Point Priority Program on the enhancement of BOC Information Technology System and Cargo Clearance Process.

The event showcased several systems designed to enhance customer feedback and interaction.

  Among them is the BOC Customer Care Portal (Issue ticketing system), a system developed to provide answers to inquiries and concerns submitted by stakeholders.

  Another is the Document Tracking System (DTS) which was in place to efficiently track documents as it is being processed within the different offices of the Bureau.

Other information systems that were launched were the Goods Declaration Verification System (GDVS) and the National Value Verification System (NVVS).

The GDVS is a queue management system that allows stakeholders to get real-time updates on the status of their goods declaration, while the NVVS is a system that serves as a guide for assessment personnel to determine the accuracy of the declared value of goods thus enabling the bureau to collect the right duties and taxes for the government.

Attendees also witnessed the launching of two information systems which were aimed at enhancing transparency within the bureau.

One is the Alert Order Monitoring System (AOMS) which was developed to track the status of alert orders and alerted shipments and enable the monitoring of alert status from issuance until resolution.

Another is the BOC Dashboard, an internal one stop executive tool that provides real-time updates about BOC operations and a comprehensive view of what is happening in all the ports nationwide.

"With these latest innovations, BOC has taken a big leap forward in the efficient, effective and reliable processing of documents and shipments thus giving better service to stakeholders and improving revenue collection," the statement reads. — MBG (FREEMAN)

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