
Cebu News

Rama ally may take over: Duljo’s new captain dies

Odessa O. Leyson - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — Three days after being proclaimed duly-elected barangay captain of Duljo-Fatima, Cebu City, Ricardo Joel Ycong, 57, was found dead inside his room yesterday afternoon after an apparent heart attack.

His unfortunate demise may give outgoing barangay captain and No. 1 councilor-elect Elmer Abella another term as barangay captain by virtue of the rule of succession provided for under the Local Government Code.

Shortly after noontime yesterday, Ycong’s eldest son Michael found his father lying face down in his bed and not breathing, his face having already turned dark.

But according to Senior Police Officer 1 Winston Ybañez, investigator at the Cebu City Police Office Homicide Section, an autopsy would be done to determine if Ycong indeed succumbed to a heart attack and if there was any foul play involved.

Crisanto Mania, a barangay environmental officer and nephew of Ycong, told The FREEMAN that Ycong’s campaign team grew worried after he did not show up for a scheduled meeting in the morning.

Mania said he thought his uncle was just in his office with his bodyguards. The village chief had hired personal security following “intelligence reports” that there would be threats to his life.

When Ycong had not responded to calls, Mania decided to personally check on his uncle in the latter’s house.

“Sige mi’g panawag kay naa raba sila’y meeting katong mga kauban niya. Sige mi’g tawag niya, dili man motubag. Giadto nako, ga-motor ko, gadali ko. Unya nasugatan nako iyang live-in partner (Rosemarie Oca) nga nangita sad niya, dili kuno motubag sa cellphone,” Mania told reporters.

(We kept on calling him through his phone but to no avail. So I went to his house. Along the way, I met his live-in partner who was also looking for him, and was saying he was not returning her calls, too.)

The night prior, Ycong attended a small gathering but it was unusual, according to Mania, that he did not drink nor eat much like the usual. Ycong asked Mania that night to buy him his medicine for his heart condition.

According to Mania, Ycong had survived three episodes of heart attacks in the past.

“Okay ra man to iyang lawas, pero mabasa gyud sa iyang nawong nga stressed, gikapoy iyang lawas tungod sa kampanya,” said Mania.

(He was not ill. But one can really tell from his face that he was tired because of the campaign.)

Oca, in a separate interview, said she had been with Ycong during his previous bouts with heart attack, but unfortunately not this time.

Ycong and Oca were blessed with a one-year-old daughter.


In 2007, Ycong won as barangay councilor under the Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswagan (BOPK).

He then sought re-election in 2010 and 2013, and won in both bids, under the Team Rama party.

Ycong returned to the camp of Mayor Tomas Osmeña this year, and went on to win the elections for barangay captain in Duljo-Fatima on Monday, defeating Abella’s wife. He was among the 49 BOPK captains who emerged victorious in the polls.

But with Ycong’s death, that number may slide down to 48.

Lawyer Anna Fleur Abelgas-Gujilde, election officer for Cebu City’s south district, said the rule of succession applies in the event of death of an elected official.

As a rule, she said, the first-ranked councilor will take the position vacated upon the barangay captain’s passing.

“In cases like that, nga ang official nga elected suddenly na-decease, ang mahitabo ana is succession will follow. Ang katong next in line, ang first councilor mao’y mo-act nga mahimo na siya karon nga kapitan,” Gujilde said.

If this rule is followed, then Abella, who is allied with the Barug Team Rama-PDP Laban, may become the new captain. Abella already served three full terms before running for barangay councilor this year.

Gujilde further said the council position that will be left open upon the rise of the first councilor will be filled in through an appointment.

The barangay captain will have to submit a recommendation and the appointment will be made by the sitting mayor.

Sought for comment, Abella said he was shocked to learn about Ycong’s death as he expressed his condolences to the bereaved family.

So far, Abella has also not received any communication from the Commission on Elections directing him to sit as an appointed barangay captain.

“Ang ako lang, luoy kaayo. Wala ko magdahum nga in-ana ang mahitabo... Bisan kontra-partido mi sa politika, lahi baya ang in-ana nga kinabuhi. Maluoy sad ta ba (It’s unfortunate. It’s unexpected. Though we did not belong to the same party, his death is sad news),” Abella said.

Osmeña was also saddened by his ally’s passing.

“It's terrible. It is personal to me. He was such a good and strong person, very bold supporter,” the mayor recalled of Ycong.

Osmeña said he would extend assistance to the family.

Weng-Weng Abelgas, one of Ycong’s allies in the barangay who also won a seat at the barangay council, regretted the village chief’s passing, especially since the latter had many plans to improve their place.

Abelgas remains hopeful though that unity will prevail in the council even if the new officials come from different parties. Rena Mae R. Gocotano, CNU intern/JMD (FREEMAN)

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