PB moves discussion on controversial purchase of heavy equipment

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Board did not discuss during its session yesterday the fate of the controversial bidding of the P250 million worth of heavy and light equipment that the Capitol intends to purchase.

The body was supposed to act on the report of its ad hoc committee on bids and awards and deliberate whether or not to grant Governor Hilario Davide III authority to sign a contract with the winning bidder, Conequip Philippines, Inc.

Vice Governor Agnes Magpale, who presided the session, explained that the members of the legislative body agreed, during a caucus held prior to the session, to meet again with the members of the Capitol’s Bids and Awards Committee within this week.

She said the meeting would allow the members of the body to clarify matters and issues with BAC.

Magpale added that the report of the ad hoc committee was presented, but she refused to divulge its content, as well as the recommendation of the committee.

“It (report) was thoroughly discussed during the caucus. Nindot kaayo pagkahimo sa committee report,” she told reporters.

She explained that the ad hoc committee’s report will be the guide of the PB members if they will grant authority to the governor.

She said there will be a nominal voting where all the members will be allowed to explain their decisions.

The BAC members were asked to appear before the body in one of its session last year following the allegations of irregularities in the bidding process, one of which is that the bidding committee ‘favored’ a contractor.

But BAC refuted the allegations in several occasions, saying that the bidding was conducted impartially and transparently.

 ConEquip Philippines, Inc. was declared as the bidder with the Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bids for the supply of the equipment with an offer of P250 million.

Conequip bested RDAK Transport Equipment, Inc. which offered P235 million, and Civic Merchandising, Inc. with P237 million. BAC post-disqualified RDAK and Civic as they reportedly failed to comply with the specification requirements.


Meanwhile, the PB session yesterday temporarily took a break as Board Member Thadeo Ouano entered the session hall.

Ouano returned to work after almost three months of recuperating in the hospital due to cancer.

Ouano’s colleagues were surprised to see the board member’s thin body. Ouano said he lost 85 pounds due to the ailment.

Ouano is currently serving his second term as board member. He will seek reelection come the May elections. — (FREEMAN)

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