Personal vows in wedding rites discouraged

CEBU, Philippines - Couples are reminded that personalized vows are not allowed within the wedding liturgy.

Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma said couples cannot write their own vows since wedding vows prescribed in the wedding liturgy are already “sufficient.”

He appealed to avoid personalized vows, which he referred to as just “style.”

 “As much as possible we should limit vows with the prescribed liturgical rite. We follow the prescribed ritual because the moment we allow everyone to make personal vow you are open to one thousand (1,000) ways of saying things sometimes may not be true to the spirit of the vow,” he said.

 Some couples like to write their own vows to express their love for one another more personally.

 Palma also subscribed to the earlier statement of Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, that personal vows cannot be mixed with Catholic liturgies.

 Palma said the idea of pronouncing personal vows inserted within the wedding liturgy must not be allowed.

 Palma advised couples who prefer personalized vow to deliver it “outside liturgical celebration” instead.

Other option, he said is after the post-communion prayer, saying “If they want to say some kind of prayer and expression of vows they can do it.”  (FREEMAN)


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