Local parishioners to experience IEC

CEBU, Philippines - Local parishioners from 14 parishes in Cebu and Mandaue will get the chance to experience the 51st International Eucharistic Congress through the “Parish encounters”, an activity dedicated to give the locals the chance to meet and mingle with the delegates.

There are at least 15,000 delegates expected to join the IEC in January next year.

IEC secretary general and Cebu Auxiliary Bishop Dennis Villarojo said parishioners will be given the chance to meet and mingle with the delegates.

 “It’s an opportunity for us to widen the experience of IEC not only for those delegates. Our parishioners will have a taste of the IEC,” he said.

 The 14 host parishes, which include the Our Lady of Lourdes in Punta Princesa and Holy Family Parish in Maguikay, Mandaue City, will lead the delegates from at least 66 countries in the Eucharist.

Villarojo said that during the parish encounter the mass will be celebrated in the language spoken by the delegates. The homily, however, will be delivered in English.

 “If the mass is in Korean, for instance, the homily though must be delivered in English because there would be more locals and English-speaking delegates and it will be understood by the general public,” he said.

After the mass, there will be sharing of experiences from both the delegates and host parish especially on how they practice Eucharist in their respective countries. It will be followed by a Barrio fiesta where everyone will be treated with variety of Filipino foods. There will also be a showcase of Philippine culture.

“It’s very interesting because it never the same in the country. It would also serve as an eye opener for our people how valuable the Eucharist is and how much we take it for granted,” he said.  (FREEMAN)


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