16 stalls near Pier 3 demolished

CEBU, Philippines - At least 16 stalls in Barangay Tinago, Cebu City were demolished yesterday morning as these were reportedly encroaching on one lane of C. Arellano Boulevard.

Cebu City government’s Prevention Restoration Order Beautification Enhancement team conducted the clearing of the stalls near Pier 3 found to have been obstructing one of the four lanes of the national road.

PROBE assistant head Wendell Cenas told reporters that the implementation of the clearing order went orderly and peaceful.

Some of the stall owners even voluntarily removed their respective structures upon arrival of PROBE team, said Cenas.

Tinago barangay captain Joel Garganera proceeded to the area after being informed about the ongoing demolition.

“When I got there, I told them (stall owners) not to be emotional. Paabot mo kon unsa’y resulta sa abogado,” he said in a separate interview.

Garganera said he is aware that a civil case for eviction was already filed against the stall owners to pave way for the road concreting project of the Department of Public Works and Highways-7 in the area.

He said he talked with the president of the stall owners, who informed him that their lawyer went to the court to possibly resolve the case.

The demolition had been set months ago but was suspended when the stall owners asked for extension while they find another place to transfer.

They filed a temporary restraining order to have yesterday’s demolition suspended and were given by the court a 20-day status quo.

Garganera also requested the DPWH-7 to possibly extend the implementation of the demolition on December 30.

But yesterday’s move of the city showed that his requested was not granted, he said.

What’s worse, Garganera added, was that the court has no ruling yet on the case since the presiding judge inhibited from handling it. — (FREEMAN)

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