Calamba, Cebu City: Man shoots it out with cops, killed

CEBU, Philippines - A man was fatally shot by police in an alleged shootout in Sitio Mahayahay, Barangay Calamba, Cebu City at past midnight yesterday.

Personnel of Cebu City Police Office’ Investigation and Detective Management Branch (IDMB) shot dead Samson Cinco, 32, who reportedly tried to shoot one of the police officers.

Homicide Section investigation showed that IDMB personnel were patrolling at the vicinity of the barangay when around 12:15 a.m. yesterday, barangay councilman Eldie Ygonia approached them.

Ygonia reported that an armed man, who turned out to be Cinco, was spotted at Sitio Mahayahay.

The police officers responded to the area and were told by a friend of Cinco that the latter was at his house, allegedly waiting for the policemen to come.

Upon arriving at the said house of Cinco’s friend, Police Officer 3 Jeffrey Bernal entered inside to supposedly approach the suspect and interrogate him about the firearm.

However, the moment Bernal went inside, Cinco, who was bringing a cal. 9mm revolver, allegedly fired at the policeman. He, however, missed.

It was at this juncture that the policemen returned fire at Cinco.

Cinco sustained gunshot wounds in the different parts of his body and was rushed to Cebu City Medical Center where he was declared dead on arrival.

The suspect’s brother, Benrix, turned over to the police six packs of suspected shabu placed inside a small container that a nurse of the hospital allegedly found in Cinco’s possession.

The police recovered the suspect’s firearm containing live rounds and an empty shell, which are now in the custody of the Homicide Section.

They are now investigating if the suspect is also involved in illegal drug trading.

Meanwhile, after more than two hours, three persons were injured in another shootout in Sitio Itom Yuta, Barangay Lorega-San Miguel.

The victims were identified as Gil Tejas, 52, Merlina Daroy, 62, and 18-year-old Lawrence Joshua Rabor, who reportedly shot it out with two men.

Tejas, in an interview with the police, said he was driving a motorcycle at 2:30 a.m. yesterday ahead of Rabor when he suddenly heard bursts of gunfire.

Shortly before the shooting, Tejas said, he saw the two assailants, one of them a certain “Nice,” walking at the roadside.

Tejas looked back and saw Rabor shooting it out with the two.

Rabor suffered a gunshot wound at the right side of his body while Tejas, who was hit by the stray bullet, was wounded on his left leg.

Daroy, who was then at a nearby store buying charcoal, was also hit by the stray bullet on her left shoulder.

Rabor was brought to Chong Hua hospital while Tejas and Daroy to Cebu City Medical Center.

Personnel of Parian Police Station responded to the area but the assailants have already fled.  (FREEMAN)



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