IEC symbol back at cathedral

CEBU, Philippines - After a 3-month pilgrim journey, the International Eucharistic Congress 2016 symbol is now backed at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral.

 The pilgrim symbol was welcomed back at the cathedral yesterday afternoon from the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Minglanilla. Vicar forane Rev. Fr. Edu Ventic celebrated the sent-off mass in Minglanilla before it was transported back to the cathedral.

Members of the parish youth community and lectors ministry welcomed the holy icon with a dance presentation, which was accompanied by the official hymn of the IEC 2016. It was received by Fr. Chester Serana who blessed the symbol after the dance.

A homecoming Mass officiated by Msgr. Rey Pinagonda, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Cebu, immediately followed after the reception.

Pinagonda asked the Catholics to look beyond the symbol.  “We can see beyond our naked eyes, don’t just look at the symbol, but see on what it symbolizes.”

Like a crucifix, Pinagonda added, people should regard the icon as a symbol of faith, and of what Catholics believe of, that is Jesus Christ.

“Unless we have the faith, we are more than symbols of God, rather God is in us,” he said.

He added that it is also a challenge for individuals to let the presence of the Lord be manifested in their midst.

Rev. Moenil Lapa, co-chairman of the IEC 2016 Committee on symbol, said the Cebu pilgrimage only covers 24 parishes and churches around the province.

The holy symbol would stay at the cathedral until after Sinulog and papal visit before the national pilgrimage.

“While the symbol stays at the Cathedral, we will be preparing for the national pilgrimage which will start on January 25 and will end on November 13, which also marks the celebration of the solemnity of Christ the King.” Lapa said.

Lapa added that it will be passed on 86 dioceses around the country starting from Dumaguete and will end in Basilan. A grand homecoming will follow wherein the symbol will be returned to the Cebu Cathedral.  (FREEMAN)


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