No payment for projects without PB approval

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu Governor Hilario Davide III remains firm on his decision not to pay Capitol contractors whose contracts for projects did not have the authority from the Provincial Board.

Davide reiterated his stand after the Committee on Budget and Appropriations yesterday asked on the next move of the executive department with regards to the unpaid contracts and how certain projects under these contracts would be pushed through.

Earlier this year, the Commission on Audit ordered the provincial government to recover over P500 million paid to project contractors from 2008 to 2011 under the administration of then governor and current third district Representative Gwendolyn Garcia.

Based on COA’s report, there were around 50 “illegal projects” amounting to millions approved by Garcia.

“Last year, I already said that these contracts that did not go through the Provincial Board, dili nato bayaran and that remains the policy of the provincial government under this administration,” Davide said.

Davide, however, made exemptions on certain projects like the hospitals in Danao City and Balamban.

The Provincial Hospital in Danao City and Balamban were constructed under the administration of Garcia. However, it was stopped because it allegedly did not have the approval from the Provincial Board. 

Davide already said that they are eyeing on rebidding the said projects. Yesterday, he further explained that they will either have the contracts terminated or declared as having abandoned the project so that they can proceed with the rebidding.

Davide said they are pushing with the hospital projects since health care service is his administration’s priorities.  

He clarified though that the companies involved in the contracts that reportedly did not go through the Provincial Board can still participate in the bidding and he assured that equal treatment would be given to them.

The discussion of the contracts was tackled during the fourth day of the marathon hearing for the proposed 2015 budget where department heads presented and defended their respective budget proposals.

Yesterday the Provincial Engineering’s Office and the Provincial Agriculture’s Office presented their proposed budget.  (FREEMAN)

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