City gov’t to unveil Serging, Don Vicente statues today

CEBU, Philippines - The two life-sized bronze statues of former Senator Serging Osmeña Jr. and Don Vicente Rama will be formally unveiled in front of the Cebu City Hall legislative building at 10 a.m. today.

Don Vicente is the grandfather of Mayor Michael Rama while Serging is the father of former south district Representative Tomas Osmeña.

The mayor had asked the Insular Life Assurance Company to shoulder the expenses for the creation of the two statues, which honor the two Cebuano political leaders.

Don Vicente Rama, who used to be a senator, authored the law that converted Cebu into a city from a mere town in 1937 while Serging was the first elected mayor of the city.

The unveiling of the statues is among the activities lined up for the celebration of Mayor Rama’s birthday today.

Tomas said he will not attend the event, believing that including his father is only a gimmick of the mayor. He said Rama’s real intention is just to have a monument of his grandfather.

The former south district lawmaker explained that for the past four years being the mayor, Rama has failed to attend a single event marking Serging’s birth anniversary at his monument in the North Reclamation Area.

“Makita nimo kay gi-atol gani niya nga ang unveiling gitumong g’yud sa iyang birthday,” Tomas said.

Based on the agreement signed between the city and the Insular Life Assurance Company, once the statues are put in place, the city government would be responsible for their maintenance, including repairs.  (FREEMAN)

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