Cop to face formal probe for extortion

CEBU, Philippines - The Regional Investigation and Detection Management Division-7 has found sufficient evidence to warrant a formal investigation for grave misconduct against a police officer who allegedly extorted money from a rookie policeman to facilitate the latter’s transfer of assignment.

 RIDMD-7 chief Sr. Supt. Rey Lyndon Lawas said that the investigator found a prima facie evidence to conduct formal investigation against SPO3 Ferdinand Tumakay.

The formal investigation will be conducted by the Disciplinary Law and Order Section of the personnel division of the Police Regional Office-7.

Tumakay, former chief clerk of the personnel division, was accused of demanding money from a rookie policeman to facilitate his transfer from Cebu to Bohol.

Lawas refused to give the amount allegedly demanded by Tumakay. But a source told The Freeman that the victim has coughed up P5,000 to get his preferred assignment.

“Na-transfer gyud siya sa Bohol, consummated gyud,” Lawas said.

Tumakay could be discharged from police service if found guilty of grave misconduct.

The complainant, however, is also at risk of being charged with bribery because of his admission that he voluntarily gave the amount demanded from him.

Lawas said the affidavit submitted by the complainant before Supt. Henry Biñas allegedly contained incriminating details.

“Based on his affidavits unknowingly wa siya kahibaw nga incriminating ang affidavit,” Lawas said.

According to Lawas, if the complainant voluntarily gave an amount in exchange of his transfer, he could be guilty of bribery.

Lawas said they will evaluate the affidavit of the complainant to determine if an administrative case should be initiated against him.

“After this came out of the media, daghang nisulti but dili intresado nga mo-file og kaso,” Lawas said.— (FREEMAN)

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