Confiscation of porn materials CAIB:Due process was observed

CEBU, Philippines -  The Cebu City Anti-Indecency Board  assured yesterday that it observes due process when it carries out its operations such as confiscating pornographic materials sold in the city’s streets.

CAIB issued the assurance following a commentary in a newspaper written by an official of the Cebu Citizens Press Council, which says that CAIB might have exceeded its authority in confiscating 237 magazines that allegedly contain “lewd” photos.

The author, lawyer and journalist Pachico Seares, said the Supreme Court and not CAIB should determine if a material is obscene.

CAIB chairman Lucelle Mercado defended the raid, saying the pictures in the magazines were “obviously pornographic.”

“Kaning magazine nga atong nakuha maklaro man kay picture pa lang ma-klaro naman gud. Duna say mga story sa magazine nga klaro nga nag-storya jud about sex,” she said.

While saying that CAIB has not exceeded its mandate, she also agrees that the court also determines the ‘obscenity’ of a material.

“We do not believe that we have exceeded because it is clear man in the ordinance. The only thing I would agree is letting the court decide. We will still follow that,” she said.

“Activities are coordinated man jud. We always follow the legal process. Dili gyud na buot-buot or shortcut. It’s a joint operation tanan nga available nga board but before that i-decide jud na that there will be an operation, dayun i-set kung kanus-a adtoon. Pero kung asa adtuon, gamay ra ang makahibaw kay naa naman nahitabo gud nga daghang nakahibaw, pag-adto wa na, nakapanghipos na,” Mercado explained.

She said CAIB has no intention of overstepping the jurisdiction of the court and is open to a dialogue with CCPC. The group is even willing to face the publication firms should there be complaints.

“Ang amo lang man jud nga intention is para di ma-affected atong children and youth,” she said.

The “pornographic” materials were confiscated on June 30 and will be destroyed in the presence of Mayor Michael Rama.

“Bungkagon pa ni siya. I-separate pa na ang mga cover then i-separate pa man na sa malata og di malata. Unya ang CD karaskarasan para di ma-recycle kay lig-on na nga mga plastic ang gigamit karon,’ she stated.  (FREEMAN)

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