City government aids OWWA in helping families of OFWs

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City government will assist the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration in the latter’s drive to help the families of Overseas Filipino Workers through its integrated program.

This in order to make sure that the children of OFWs will still be taken care of and their salaries from working abroad will not be wasted.

 “Daghan man kaayo makit-an lang ang mga anak mahabilin. Ang kwarta mangawala lang ig abot. Imbis nga mo grow. At the end of the day, being an OFW did not bring certain assurance for a developed family. They don’t even know how to take care the money luoy kaayo ang OFW,” Mayor Michael Rama said.

 Part of the program is to monitor the families of the OFWs left in their respective areas.

 “Di lang kay monitor (the families), daghan na siya. it’s a comprehensive integrated program,” he said.

The barangay officials of the 80 barangays will also be part of the project.

 “The activity will go down to the barangay, every barangay will have listing of OFWs. Be a part of the comprehensive program,” he said.During his Statement of the City Address, Rama promised to initiate activities and interventions for the families of the OFWs.

 He has instructed lawyer and The FREEMAN columnist Josephus Jimenez, a professor of labor law, to make the comprehensive program for the OFWs.

 Rama, together with Jimenez, the Department of Manpower Development and Placement, the Department of Labor and Employment and OWWA, is set to have a meeting this July 14, 2014 to discuss the matter.

 “Atong tabangan ang OWWA kay naa man tay DMDP and DMDP involve mana sa local overseas jobs fair. Apil na siya, one among the facet sa focus (of DMDP),” he said.  (FREEMAN)


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