Comelec prepared for SK elections

CEBU, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) Cebu has assured it is ready for next month, regardless if just the barangay elections and not that for the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) push through.

Lawyer Ferdinand Gujilde, Comelec Election Officer IV detailed at the Office of the Provincial Election Supervisor, said that preparations are on schedule even if the House of Representatives and the Senate decide with finality to reschedule the SK elections.

Last Wednesday, the House of Representatives approved on second reading the bill postponing the SK elections for three years, or deferring it to October 2016.

Gujilde said they have not yet printed any ballots for the SK but would be ready in case they receive the go signal to do so.

“It’s easier to stop preparing than start preparing at the last minute,” he said.

Further, Gujilde agrees that incumbent SK officials should not stay in holdover capacity just in case the postponement gets final approval.

The bill that the Lower House approved on second reading states that serving SK officials would not remain in office after their original term ends next month.

However, the Senate version, which was already approved on third and final reading, states that the current SK officials should stay until they are replaced in 2016.

Gujilde said this defeats the purpose of the postponement.

“Unsa man (What is the) purpose sa (of the) postponement? Di ba (Isn’t it) to give way to (SK) reforms at the minimum and abolition at the maximum? So kung imo (if you) i-extend ang (the) term sa (of the) incumbent, you’re not really starting over.  Dapat sugod sa pirmiro. (It should start from the beginning),” he said. (FREEMAN)


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