DSWD, Julie’s ink MOA to help feeding program

CEBU, Philippines - In an effort to fight against hunger, the Department of Social Welfare and Development recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Julie’s Franchise Corp. to assist the government’s Supplementary Feeding Program during a meeting at Julie’s Franchise Corp. main office in Cebu City.

DSWD-7 Regional Director Mercedita Jabagat personally signed the MOA to seal the partnership on behalf of Secretary Corazon “Dinky” Soliman for this national project. Julie’s Franchise Corp. will be donating to DSWD P2 for every loaf of ‘Bayan’ sliced bread sold from January to December this year, according to DSWD-7 information officer Kerwin Macopia.

He added the generated funds will be given to DSWD Central Office which will then be forwarded to the regional offices for the purchase of growth monitoring tools, like weighing scales and height boards, needed to monitor the beneficiaries’ nutritional status in all day-care centers and supervised neighborhood play groups nationwide.

“We are pleased to have this partnership with Julie’s Bakeshop and hope that loyal customers of Julie’s will support this endeavour and contribute to the government’s efforts in fighting malnutrition in the country,” said Jabagat.

The Supplementary Feeding Program, which started in 2011, is a major anti-hunger program of DSWD that provides food supplementation in a form of hot meals to be served during snack and meal time to children five days in a week for 120 days. Under this feeding program, children aged three to five are the beneficiaries.   (FREEMAN)

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