Brokenhearted man shoots self dead

CEBU, Philippines - A 21-year-old college student shot himself dead in Sitio Magpayong, Barangay Poblacion, Alcoy after his girlfriend broke up with him last Monday morning.

Joseph Dueñas succumbed to a gunshot wound in the right temple.

Dueñas was found dead by his younger brother, John Christian, 17, inside the house of their uncle in Barangay Poblacion at 9 a.m. last Monday.

Insp. Crisanto Abella, Alcoy police chief, said that John Christian went to check a phone ringing inside his uncle’s house but found his brother’s dead body. Dueñas was still holding a caliber .22 magnum revolver when his brother found him.

Police investigators believe that Dueñas’ breaking up with his girlfriend prompted him to commit suicide. Police found break up messages from his phone.

The 21-year-old girlfriend of Dueñas confirmed to the police that she and her boyfriend had a quarrel leading to her breaking up with him. But the girl said she did not expect Dueñas to make good of his threat to kill himself if she breaks up with him.— (FREEMAN)

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