Cebu leaders converge for development forum

CEBU, Philippines - Majority of the development plans for the Province of Cebu under the new administration would be taken from the outcome of the Provincial Planning Development forum attended yesterday by officials from the 51 municipalities and cities.

Mayors, vice mayors and planning and development officers from all over Cebu gathered in the Capitol social hall to discuss development programs that should be taken by each municipality and city.

Cabinet Secretary Rene Almendras, the guest speaker, emphasized the thrust to align the programs of the local government units to the plans of the national government.

For one, Almendras said they are pushing for rural development so residents in the rural area would not be forced to leave their hometowns and flock to the cities.

Provincial Planning and Development officer Melita Labarejos said this is very important since in their study for their development plan ten years ago, two-thirds or 67 percent of Cebu’s population lives in Metro Cebu.

“Metro Cebu is only just 1/5 of the total land area,” said Labarejos, explaining that the highly developed cities are the magnet for those seeking jobs and livelihood so these areas congested. “Ang carrying capacity kay naapsan sa migrants.”

Labarejos said that they have been pushing for the rural development through skills enhancement so residents would be able to earn a living.

As for the realignment of the programs of the local government units to the national government, Labarejos said it would not be that easy.

“It’s still hard work, lisod baya na,” said Labarejos, adding that even during the forum, there was a hint of hesitance from some chief executives because based on what has been going on, the LGUs are not aware of what are being implemented nationally and why these are being done.

Also, Labarejos explained that mostly, the national and local programs do not jive considering that the former has a more macro approach compared to the LGUs that are more focused on their respective areas.

“But now it is a very good plan,” said Labarejos, adding that it’s a good opportunity to determine the productivity level of each LGU.

Yesterday’s planning and development forum had a workshop in the afternoon where local chief executives had with them their plans for their municipality or city.

Labarejos said their office was tasked to consolidate the reports which would be validated and later on submitted as a major part of the provincial development plan under the new administration.

The plan would then be submitted for funding through the provincial development council in line with the requirement of the Department of Budget and Management for the approval of the development fund which depends on the translated projects submitted to them.

Governor Hilario Davide III said the event yesterday was a very big help especially for him who just assumed his post last week.

“It’s good gisugdan ni og sayo,” said Davide, adding it would be good preparation for the provincial summit for stakeholders he intends to have by September.  — (FREEMAN)

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