Ombuds eyes seminar for political newbies

CEBU, Philippines - The Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas will conduct a seminar for newly elected officials to guide them on the Dos and Don’ts while holding public office.

Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Pelagio Apostol said the seminar will help the newly elected officials in the performance of duty. Apostol said it is important that public officials would know the prohibited acts to guide them in good governance. The anti-graft office however is yet to fix the date for the seminar.

Apostol also reminded the newly elected officials to file their respective Statement of Assets Liabilities and Networth (SALN).

“Kailangan silang magfile para may opening Networth if not hindi natin malalaman na may ill-gotten wealth,” he said.

Apostol has advised the newly elected officials to avoid haste and shortcuts in government transactions.

“Wag magmamadali to render service… pwedeng magmamadali pero avoid shortcuts or bypass the basic steps especially procurement,” he said.

According to Apostol, he has observed that cutting corners in government transactions is the common violation committed by public officials.

Apostol also reminded public officials that they are required to observe the Republic Act (RA) 6713 otherwise known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

Moreover, he said that public officials are committed to protect the interest and the rights of the public as their primary role in holding office and not their self interest.

Aside from RA 6713, Apostol said they will also discuss the RA 3019 or anti-graft and corrupt practices act and the anti-red tape law during the seminar.

Under RA 3019, he said solicitation and receiving gifts are prohibited for the public officials.  (FREEMAN)

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