Young stops stage demolition in Apas

CEBU, Philippines - Acting Mayor Joy Augustus Young yesterday issued a cease and desist order (CDO) to an alleged demolition of a supposed private stage in Sitio Mahayahay, Apas.

But Apas barangay captain Ramil Ayuman said it was not a demolition but a construction of a day care center on top of the stage.

“They cannot stop the construction because the building is needed for the coming school year. Plus, the lot is owned by the province, not by the homeowners association as Young’s information stated,” said Ayuman who has yet to receive a copy of the order.

Young, in his order, said the report he received stated that the lot is owned by MARAI, a legitimate homeowners association in Apas and that the provincial government issued the supposed demolition order.

“However, upon inquiry, the Provincial Government of Cebu has denounced such order. It stresses its stand that no order by the acting governor has been issued to that effect,” the CDO read, adding that no court order was issued on the alleged demolition.

Young, in a press conference, told reporters that he clarified the matter with Acting Governor Agnes Magpale’s spokesperson Dara Acusar who said there was no such order.

Ayuman clarified that the project will not destroy the stage but an additional second storey will be built for the barangay day care center. He added that the construction order was issued by city engineer Kenneth Enriquez with the go signal from Mayor Michael Rama, who is on leave.

The barangay captain, who has expressed allegiance to Rama during the recent elections, alleged the acting mayor still could not get over the elections.

“The truth on the matter is they are merely politicking. He is mad at me because I am identified supporter of Mayor Rama,”Ayuman added.

He urged Young and his supporters to stop blocking their project whose construction started Wednesday and needed for the opening of classes in June 3. (FREEMAN)





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