Disqualification raps filed vs Dumanjug mayor

CEBU, Philippines - A disqualification case was filed against Dumanjug Mayor Nelson Garcia by former mayor Cesar Baricuatro for allegedly buying votes last election.

The complaint was filed by Baricuatro at the Commission on Elections (Comelec) Provincial Office prior to the proclamation of Garcia as the winner in the May 2013 election.

In an interview with The Freeman, Baricuatro explained that his complaint stemmed upon learning that around five to six police officers in Dumanjug were allegedly given money by Garcia as reward for catching private armed men, allegedly hired by him.

Baricuatro also said that policemen in their municipality were allegedly seen campaigning for Garcia.

Garcia for his part did not deny that he gave money to police officers. But he clarified that it was not as payment or to buy votes but it was incentives for exemplary work that the police officers have done for their town.

“Most wanted gud na ilang nadakpan,” added Garcia, referring to the armed men who were caught last April 5 in a mountain barangay in Dumanjug.

Garcia added that it is part of his duty as chief executive of the town to award those who are doing well in their jobs.

Further, he said that the awarding of the incentives of P10, 000 to six police officials last May 3 was done in front of a lot of people since it was a formal event. He said the Provincial Regional Office and the Cebu Provincial Police Office were well-represented.

He added that if the incentive would be seen as that by his opponents, it would not matter anyway since the police officers were relieved from their work and reassigned to other areas before the election on alleged drug use.

Garcia questioned the complaint since he said that it could not be considered vote-buying. However, he added that Baricuatro is “entitled to his own entertainment.”

He said if there should be anyone who should be facing a complaint for vote buying, it should be Baricuatro for allegedly personally giving out money to voters on the eve of election day.

This was also denied by Baricuatro saying he only gave money to his staff and supporters who rendered work for his campaign, which is normal for any candidate. But he said that he does not have the capacity to give money to all voters in the town.

Comelec Cebu Provincial Supervisor Eddie Aba said they will forward the complaint this Friday to their law office in Manila.

Aba said that based on the information provided, it may not be grounds for vote-buying but they will forward all the evidence including the said affidavits that police officers who were given money are reportedly willing to issue.  (FREEMAN)

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