No other politician at Suroy in Camotes

CEBU, Philippines - Apart from the mayor who welcomed the participants, no politician was present in the Camotes Islands leg of the recent Suroy-Suroy Sugbo.

Not even Acting Governor Agnes Magpale who is running for vice governor under the Liberal Party attended the event, although she said earlier she would not be able to join owing to campaign commitments.

Organizers from the Provincial Tourism office said the absence of politicians was not really because of speculations they might use the event to campaign but because the Suroy-Suroy has never been a political activity. The Suroy-Suroy Sugbo was created to promote local tourism, said Provincial Tourism Officer Grace Paulino.

Early on, vice-gubernatorial candidate Glenn Soco asked that the event be moved to another date so no politician can take advantage of it.

While no one has been banned from joining the Suroy-Suroy, Magpale and the organizers assured no political candidate would be allowed to campaign and give speeches should they join the trip.

“Wala gyud instruction. It was voluntary on their part,” Paulino said, referring to the decision of the mayors and other island officials to stay away from the event.

Only Poro Mayor Luciano Rama showed up during a scheduled visit of the participants to the Buho Rock resort in the town. He limited himself to welcoming the guests and giving the history of Poro.

Paulino said it would not have made a difference even if all officials of the town showed up because most of those who participated in the trip were balikbayans and foreigners who could not vote.

Richard Tiu, a first-time participant, agreed with Paulino and said it would be best if politicians would stay away from the event. He cites Thailand as an example wherein politicians stay away from a similar tourism caravan, thus, guests are able to fully enjoy the experience. Tiu said he was able to relax and enjoy the trip to Camotes.

Tiu said he has heard reports that the schedule of the event had always been hectic because politicians who were part of it had to stick to their individual calendar.

The Provincial Tourism office has reduced the number of places to visit starting January this year purposely to give more time to participants to enjoy a stopover.

The next Suroy-Suroy Sugbo will visit the mid-west.  (FREEMAN)

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