Driver sued for threatening councilman

CEBU, Philippines - A barangay councilman of Greenhills, San Fernando yesterday filed criminal complaint for slander and grave threats against his neighbor, a motorcycle-for-hire driver, before the Cebu Provincial Prosecutor’s Office.

In his complaint-affidavit, Rovin Borinaga, 25, claimed he was maligned and threatened by respondent Neil Fate Lapuz on April 3, 2013 at around 7:00 p.m. while on his way to barangay Greenhills.

“While riding the motorcycle going to Barangay Greenhills, San Fernando, Cebu, I met Neil Fate Q. Lapuz. Lapuz blocked my way and angrily pointed his finger towards myself and uttered the words ‘fool and rude councilman’ in Bisaya,” the affidavit reads.  With that accusation, Borinaga said he asked respondent what he did wrong.

“That when I asked him what is my fault he accused me that I am responsible for the heckling incident against his brother and fellow barangay councilor that happened during the caravan few days past,” the affidavit further reads.

Borinaga added he was accused by the respondent of calling his brother about a debt, which he denied. He said respondent accusation was a “complete lie.”

Aside from that, he said the respondent attempted to punch him but fortunately was stopped by their neighbor Eugene Sarucam.

“Lapuz then gripped and shoved my arm and attempted to punch me but was stopped. He then threatened and shouted at me ‘kung maabtan ko sa labad sa ulo, pusilon jud tika. Wala koy gikahadlokan,” he narrated. (Be warned, I might gun you down. I fear no one.)

Borinaga attached the affidavits of Marites Pataganao, Arbie Sarusal and Mark Abendan in the complaint sheet to corroborate his statements.  (FREEMAN)


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